pH7X is made in the USA and uses a specially formulated and bonded eco-friendly fusion technology that goes in pH7 and comes out pH7, so it is easy on your equipment, your workers and your customers.
Traditional caustic cleaners damage your beer lines, wine bladders and gaskets. They cause brittleness and pitting in the inner surfaces where yeast, biofilm and molds like to settle.
The more you clean with caustics, the more buildup you get — and the more cleaning you need. In addition, any caustic chemicals that remain in your beer lines because of improper rinsing are a lawsuit just waiting to happen.
pH7X’s formulation makes it safe on skin and soft materials such as stainless steel, aluminum and plastics. As a CIP cleaner it is very effective on all of your equipment. pH7X uses active oxygen (4-5%) to penetrate and remove carbon soils, protein soils and fatty acids. It also prevents staining. As an added environmental benefit, the oxygen reduces biochemical and chemical demand in wastewater.